Bliss Hawkins » Resources


Here is the link to our bitmoji classroom.  This is just for fun.  No assignments will be posted in bitmoji classroom.  There are lost of links to explore, songs, a book room, learning activities and even virtual centers.  Everything you see is a link. 
These links/apps are good in moderation.
  • and access code is hawkinsprek
  • Khan Academy Kids (app) (ages 2-7)
    • After you create your completely free account, the word Library will be in the top left corner of the screen, this is where lessons and additional games can be found. It is FREE and asks for no personal info.

Items you may have at home that could be used for “center” time and creative play.  These are just ideas and none of this is mandatory.

Preschool classrooms include learning centers where children use hands-on materials to explore, play, and learn about specific topics. To bring the spirit of learning centers into your home you could use some items you might already have.

Blocks: Wooden blocks, PVC pieces, Styrofoam, colorful pattern blocks, Legos, wood scraps, cardboard tubes, masking tape, egg cartons, and paper. Children can create buildings and roads, and then make signs to go with them.

Pretend play: Clothes such as dresses, shirts, and suit jackets, accessories like hats, scarves, neckties, bags, and jewelry to make children’s pretend play more exciting and elaborate. Baby clothes, dolls, broom, coupons, costumes, dishes, empty food containers, stuffed animals, 

Art: We have included a bag of some of these items. Supplies such as paper plates, yarn, buttons, pasta noodles, pieces of cardboard, coffee filters, and different types of paper and drawing and painting materials. Add safety scissors and paste, so children can make collages or experiment with other art techniques.

Math: Include board games and puzzles, dominos, calculators, measuring cups, dice, ruler, hour glass or timer, stickers. handmade puzzles from cereal boxes.  Add empty, clean, egg cartons or ice cube trays and materials for sorting, like buttons or old bottle tops. 

Reading: Store books and magazines your child will enjoy in a place assessable to them such as a basket. Talk to your child about characters, setting, and events that happened in the story to check for comprehension.

Writing center: Fill a basket with paper, markers, notebooks, pens, pencils, envelopes, a ruler, stationery, and note cards. Your child can set up the writing center wherever she wants to write.

Sensory/Water play: The bathtub and the kitchen sink or a small basin.  Fill a plastic container with props such as sponges, basters, colanders, strainers, pitchers, tongs, and so on.

Cooking: Invite your children to join in while you prepare meals and snacks. Get them in the habit of washing their hands before and after handling foods.

Music: Use oatmeal containers, old yogurt cups, and other materials you have on hand to make homemade instruments (like a rain stick or a drum) with your children. Children love to create music while singing with family members or making up silly songs together.

Science:  Magnets, prisms, a magnifying glass, and binoculars, along with a clipboard, paper, and crayons or pencils. Take a walk to collect natural items (acorns, pinecones, rocks/stones, leaves, flowers) invite the children to investigate them using the tools. Ask questions such as “What do you think might happen?” to help them observe and make predictions.