Supply List
- Headphones/Earbuds---We use technology constantly, so these are a MUST!
- *Replenish Items - These items are to replenish the initial supply provided by the school
- #2 pencils
- Pink 9 rectangular pencil erasers
- Helping Hand Donations Appreciated:
- AAA batteries
- AA batteries
How to sign in to Google Classroom:
If your child has forgotten his/her Google Username and password, it should be written in their Agenda Book and follows the following pattern:
four digit year of graduation, first initial of first name, complete last name, last two numbers of their lunch number @student.mcduffie.k12.ga.us
- Example: [email protected]
Their password is: mcs + their lunch number
- Example: mcs308964
Students may login to their accounts like you would login to a normal gmail account. Then they can access google classroom from the top right "waffle" or through http://classroom.google.com
How to join Google Classroom.
Click on the following link: http://classroom.google.com
Click on the + in the upper right corner.
Click "Join Class"
Type in your grade's classroom code from the list below.
Once you type in the code, click on the blue "Join" button in the upper right corner of the page.
Once I receive notification that you have joined, I will approve and you will then be able to access any information in our QUEST google classroom.
Google Classroom Codes:
- 1st/2nd Grades: rtxy7ip
- 3rd Grade: uc6agxb
- 4th Grade: fyxwpbw
- 5th Grade: nco4qou
Failure to complete QUEST assignments in a timely manner will result in failing grades that could lead to course failure and/or removal from the QUEST program.
You can contact me through my email for questions about class expectations, grading, and assignments. [email protected]
This Year in QUEST:
* Higher Order Thinking Skills
* Robotics
* Creativity
* Poetry
* Math Enrichment
* Breakout Edu
* First Lego League (5th grade)
Tentative Competitions:
- Morris Museum of Art Combining Voices Literary - 4th and 5th Grades only
- First Lego League - 5th Grade only