Accelerated Reader
Here at DES we encourage all of our students to read, read, read. We use the Accelerated Reader program (or AR as it is lovingly called) to help motivate our students to become better readers and to learn to enjoy reading for pleasure.
2nd - 5th grade students are assigned a Lexile Range at the beginning of each grading period based on their Star Reading Assessment. (1st grade students are assigned a specific dot color to read based on their Star Reading Assessment) Each student is also given an individualized points goal. When a student reaches his/her points goal and holds an average percent correct of 80 or higher, they are invited to our Reading Rally Celebration! We have a Reading Rally at the end of each grading period to celebrate our READER's success.
Students are welcome to take AR tests on any book they read, not just books checked out from our DES Library.
Click on the book image below to look up a book title in the AR program. You can also check a book's reading level and points value.